Monday, June 18, 2012

First Post

I just decided, that I will go into blogging just to try out how it works, and to write down my ideas.

There will not be any special topic yet, just writing about anything that seems interesting to me, maybe in the end some topic will be covered more deeply than others - we will see.

The main idea came today at university (Money and Banking) when our prof had quite different opinions how some things work in this (economic) world. - Well, I will try and find proofs, numbers, articles - whatever - to prove him wrong.

So - if there is anyone to read this:

Have fun reading and feel free to comment, criticize (try not to troll, but argue WHY you dislike something if you do - if written nicely a critical comment can be very helpful to improve my articles in the future), suggest new topics ... whatever.

Thanks for your time reading this
